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Package delivery measures Covid-19

Package delivery measures Covid-19

Sijmen 14/07/2020 0
DELAYS DUE TO MEASURES Unfortunately, as everywhere on the website, there are delays because people have to work according to the RIVM guidelines. This means that employees stay at home if they are unwell and have to work with distances everywhere.These measures are currently causing delays in deliveries, starting with wholesalers and working through to the parcel service at your door. It is therefore possible that it takes a few days before our stock is replenished. When your order has been shipped you will automatically receive a message.Therefore, please take into account a few days delay.W...
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Sijmen 30/03/2017 0
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Sijmen 04/03/2017 0
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Sijmen 01/03/2017 0
Trichodina Trichodina is one of the most common parasites on our koi. It sounds a little weird, but it is also one of the most beautiful at the same time. If you have not believed in flying saucers, then you will certainly do this do if you have seen under the microscope once Trichodina "float". Beautiful but dangerous, the micro version of the "femme fatale".Trichodina is the name we popularly use for a collection of multiple types of falling under the Trichodinidae family. These species are Trichodinella, Paratrichodina, Vauchomia and Tripartiella, Trichodina. Then these types of further div...
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Anchor Worm (Lernaea)

Anchor Worm (Lernaea)

Sijmen 01/03/2017 0
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The New Site

The New Site

01/01/2017 0
We are proud to launch our new website/online store/blog. As you can see, the old website replaced for a new one we walked for a while against problems that we could not solve with our previous customers so we have developed this website for a year and made it to our taste was we hope you find this a improve the way you can find cool a problems or not please contact us or post a message belowChanges and improvement in the futureSearch is even easier with the new Super FilterWe will add a chat featureWe will also launch an online store on FacebookWe will have more products in stock and expandin...
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